System account in Windows

Many of you don't know but there is a Hidden System account in Windows xp, vista and in windows 7.....
with privileges more than that of administrator account.....
and you might damage your PC.How to open hidden "SYSTEM ACCOUNT"

    1. Click on Start> Run.  type "CMD" without quotes

    2. Windows Command prompt will open.

    3. See time of your PC,
      here we'll assume, it is 10:00

    4. Now in CMD type this,
      at 10:02 /interactive "cmd.exe"you'll see like the Image above.Here we'd added the time 10:02 (2 minutes ahead)

    5. At 10:02, a new Command prompt window will open.
      but in this
      Instead of C:\Documant and Settings\User>
      you'll see this C:\ Windows\System32>

    6. close the first Command Prompt.

    7. Now press CTRL+Alt+ Delete,
      Task Manager will open, click on processes. and select "explorer.exe" and click on END Process button.

  1. Now on Command prompt Windows type "explorer.exe"

  2. wait for some time and whoila ,your icons are back again but some Changes.....

  3. Click on start, at the top of Start menu ,Instead of "user" or "your desired name" ,you'll find "system"

This is your system account use it wisely or you'll break your PC