Boost your Windows 7 Speed

One of Friend , purchased a Intel i5 PC with 4 GB RAM, and 1 GB NVidia 9500 GT Graphic Card, but his problem is that his Computer is comparably Slow,
To solve his Problem and yours too, i'm writing this Guide "How to Increase or Boost Up Windows 7 Speed"

Speed Up Windows 7 Startup

  • Click on Start> type Run or press Windows Key +R , Run Dialog Box will appear

  • There type "msconfig.exe"

  • System Configuration Dialog box will pop up, click on "Start Up" Tab

  • There you'll see the list of Applications with Check box in front of All the Names,

  • UnCheck All ...Save and when Prompted Restart your Computer

Note:  Never Uncheck your Antivirus, Domino.exe, ZSMCSNAP, your Sound Driver , your Graphic Card Driver and Important Application  that you want to Start Along the Windows


Defrag your Disk Drives

When you Move, Cut, Copy, Use Files. Windows creates Small Spaces in your Disk, this Process is known as Fragmentation. Fragmentation reduces the Hard Disk Performance , Consume Virtual Memory and Makes your PC slow.

There is a Process which act as remedy to Fragmentation that is Defragmentation, In this process windows adjust and move files , so that those Small Spaces combines up and make a Large Space, and that Large space can used as Free Space.
How to Defrag your Local Disk?

Although there are many Softwares which can help you Defrag but i prefer the Windows built in Software,

  • Go to My Computer > Right Click any Local Disk > Properties > Tools > Defragment Now

  • Click on Analyze Disk > after completion of Analyze , Click on Defragment Disk

You should Defrag your Disk , Once in Month


Optimize the Windows Registry

Don't edit Registry Manually,you can break your PC  instead use Registry Optimizer like Tune-Up Utilities, C Cleaner etc.

Why Registry Optimization is necessary ?

When you Install, Uninstall the Software,Games, etc. they leave behind some Registries , which consist of nothing but Creation Date, Installation Date, Software Version etc.

and these Consumes up Computers Virtual Memory.


Some Other Important Points

  • If your Computer usually remains Slow, then never add Additional Themes, Logon Screen, Effects

  • Many will Suggest to Disable Aero Themes, but it have very little effect on the Windows Speed, but if disabling creates Miracle for you then go with it.

  • If you are just a normal PC User, Never Overclock your Computer for Better Speed as you'll end in Breaking up your PC [i'd short Circuited my RAM and Graphic Card on First Overclocking] and Manufacturer will not entertain Warranty.