How to Install or add or Move Data/Apps on Android Emulator 's SDcard?

When i was new to Android Emulator , i had searched up the Whole Internet and still not able to find , How to add or Move Data like Music , Videos and Images to Android Emulator. Here is my short but Helpfull Guide...

I hope you have installed the Android Emulator and created AVD .

  • Go  to your AVD Manager in root Folder and Start your AVD Device in Emulator, wait till Homescreen of Android comes Up

  • Now you have to open the root Folder of Android Emulator , In my case it is "Android-sdk-Windows", under that you'll find a Folder namely "Platform-Tools"

  • You'll find an Application called "adb" , this is provided with Android SDK by Default, you don't need to Download it.

  • Now Hold Shift and Right Click on blank area inside the Folder , In Right Click Context Menu Click on  "Open Command Windows Here"

  • Now on your CMD Windows , Type "adb devices" , it will bring up the List of Devices "adb" can recognize and working [in my case it shows Emulator-5554].. If your Device is Here in List then proceed Further

How to Install An application

To Install an Application say "example.apk"

  • Place the file example.apk in the same folder as of adb , that is Platform-tools , or in a sub-folder like Platform-tools/abc

  •  Now if you are running only a single Device then in Command Prompt type
    adb install example.apk
    adb install abc/example.apk [if you created a sub folder "abc"]
    and Hit enter

  • Now If you are Running Multiple Devices or any Android Phone is attached to USB , then first Get List of attached Android Devices by "adb Devices" . Let you want to install App in Device "emulator-5554" , then Type
    adb -s emulator-5554 install example.apk

    adb -s emulator-5554 install abc/example.apk  [if your app in a sub folder "abc"]

That's it

Moving Data into or from Android SDCard

Believe me it's even easier than installing an app because there will be no error to Face..

To transfer file into sdcard : there is a code namely "Push" for this...

  • Place the file in the same directory as of adb or create a sub-folder.

  • Now say you want to add an image namely "my-pic.jpg"
    adb -s emulator-5554 push my-pic.jpg  /sdcard/

To transfer file from sdcard  : For moving a file from Emulator SDCard there is code namely "pull".

  • First open Gallery of your Emulator Android > select media > click on menu button > Details to find out the name of File present in SDcard. say "example.mp3"

  • Now in Command Prompt Windows type
    adb -s emulator-5554 pull /sdcard/example.mp3

    and hit Enter.

  •  Voila !! Magic File comes to the same Folder of  "Platform-tools"