If you want to create a website yourself on your Shared Hosting and have little Knowledge about Internet, then Many expert will Recommend you to Use an Open Source CMS and here is list for Open Source CMS for Begginners
What is an Open Source CMS?
Here CMS stands for Content Management System. it used to ease out the process of Publishing Content Online without any Hassle with the Help of Graphic User Interface .
Open Source CMS are those which are developed under GNU/GPL [general public license] and are free to use, modify and share.
There are 5 Most Commonly Used CMS:
Wordpress: Wordpress is one of the most Trustworthy PHP based Open Source Software and you can find it on every second Website on the Web. It uses Tiny MCE as a Text Editor and Plupload [since version 3.3] as Media Uploader and features millions of Themes and Plugins that is enough to make your Blog/Website look extraordinary. Although it is a blog Publishing Tool , you can use it as a website
What makes Wordpress Special?
What is an Open Source CMS?
Here CMS stands for Content Management System. it used to ease out the process of Publishing Content Online without any Hassle with the Help of Graphic User Interface .
Open Source CMS are those which are developed under GNU/GPL [general public license] and are free to use, modify and share.
There are 5 Most Commonly Used CMS:
- Wordpress
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Concrete5
Wordpress: Wordpress is one of the most Trustworthy PHP based Open Source Software and you can find it on every second Website on the Web. It uses Tiny MCE as a Text Editor and Plupload [since version 3.3] as Media Uploader and features millions of Themes and Plugins that is enough to make your Blog/Website look extraordinary. Although it is a blog Publishing Tool , you can use it as a website
What makes Wordpress Special?
- Millions of Themes and Plugins
- Thousands of Developer to help you out at Wordpress Forums
- Regular Bug Fix Updates
- Up to Date Features
- Easy to use and Customize
Drupal : Drupal is not a Blog Publishing tool , but a CMS , about which we are discussing here. Main Feature of Drupal is it Flexiblity which allow you to Publish a Full featured Website to Personal Blog. Articles to Poll...Likewise Wordpress it also Features Millions of Addons, Themes and Modules.
What makes it special?
What makes it special?
- What we like in Drupal is it's Easy to Use Administrative Panel aka Dashboard.
- Advance Search
- Descriptive URL's
Joomla: Joomla started in 2005 had become the one of the Top Three CMS in little Time , with it's Most Interactive Dashboard Panel which is also Appealing , it provides the Ease of Publishing Content without much efforts. What make it different from other is it's flexiblity to categorised and managed it content in different way.
What Make Joomla Special?
What Make Joomla Special?